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18th Rembuden Kendo Taikai, 7-8 October 2017

18 Rembuden Kendo Taikai (7-8 October 2017). A good weekend of kendo shiai. Good fights, experiences and memories. Thanks to everyone - participants, shimpan, supporters, mum's and dad's, helpers. Same time, same place next year - see you there.

Results of Rembuden Kendo Club members as follows. 

Men's Kyu Open: =3rd Chris Ashley
Men's Senior Dan Open: 2nd Kirill Konstantinov
Women's Dan Open: =3rd Akia Kamio
Veteran's Open: 1st Masaki Nakazono, 2nd Martin Lee
Team Open: =3rd Rembuden A (Chris, Masaki, Kirill)

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