
Kendo Grading 07 December 2019

Congratulations to those who successfully graded on Saturday 07 December 2019.  1st kyu: Jung-Rock, Chris, Max.  2nd Kyu: Karin. 4th Kyu: Emily, Caitlynn, Harald.  5th Kyu: Yuki, Michael.  7th Kyu: Andre. 

20th Rembuden Kendo Taikai 2019 (05 & 06 October)

Clubs from all over New Zealand helped us celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Rembuden Kendo Taikai, by coming to Wellington over the weekend 05 and 06 October. It was a great event with Rembuden performing well with some good results.  Max Lee in particular had a stellar performance, gaining 4 medals: 3rd Junior Open, 1st Men's Kyu, 1st Men's Junior Dan, 1st Team Open (Rembuden A).


Spirit of Budo Kendo Demonstration 02 July 2019


North Island Kendo Champs & Inoue Hai Tournament, June 2019

Queens Birthday Weekend 2019: A weekend of kendo in Auckland at the North Island Kendo Champs (1st June) and Inoue Hai Tournament (2nd June).  Martin, Max, Haruko, Kumi and Mel represented Rembuden Kendo Club.  It was a great weekend of Kendo.  Mel passed her second dan grading.  As for the competition the results for the North Island Champs were: Max: 1st Junior Open, Kumi: =3rd Womens Open, Haruko & Mel both received fighting spirit awards.  For Inoue Hai Max received a fighting spirit award - no doubt in large part due to his victory over an adult jodan kenshi.


Training with Ishida Kenichi (Hanshi 8 dan) Sensei 21 April 2019

Thanks to Waikato Kendo Club, Martin and Max had the opportunity to train with Ishida Sensei. A great seminar and sensei.  Less than 1% of 8th dan kendo examination candidates pass.  Those who are successful are therefore a rare breed and truly the best of the very best. This was clear throughout the seminar.